Greetings from Portland! It's great to be back, but odd to be here without the guys. Man, it's beautiful here in the summer. The weather is perfect and all the colors are so bright. :)
Ethan and Sonya picked me up at the airport late last night. It was really wonderful to see them, even though I was somewhat delirious from the day of traveling. I've traveled a LOT this summer. From Portland to LA, LA to Denver (to Monument, CO), to Neward, to Oslo, all over Norway (including Alesund, Lom, Spiterstulen, and Voss, to name a few places), back to Newark, to Denver, to Monument, to San Francisco, to Connecticut, to New York, back to Connecticut, and now to Portland, and then in a couple of days to LA. Phew. I'm tired just writing all of that. It's been a fabulous summer, despite the rain that follows me EVERYWHERE (though not yet here in Portland). I got my pictures developed from Norway today and they really made me smile. I can't wait to see the photos that Timo took...
So, for all 6 or so of you who actually read this, I have a question: I'm going to keep a blog through medical school, and I want to name it well. Melvin Konnor already took the clever "Becoming a Doctor" title, so I'm forced to think of something else. Any ideas? Please?!
Chris -- can't wait to see you!
At August 18, 2004 at 12:29 AM, meri said…
Another reader! Hi Bernie!!!
Thanks for your suggestion...it's definitely in the running. Any more ideas out there?
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