
Wednesday, May 26, 2004

strawberry fields

The pies are in the oven baking right now. Strawberries Ethan and I picked, fresh rhubarb. Yum.

Today was one of those days that went by faster than I could even realize while it was happening. I got really easily distracted while I was packing up my kitchen and folding clothes. I know I welcomed the distractions because I don't want to face the fact that I have no control of time.

Speedbump sprinted towards the house again when I called him, meowing with each step and only hesitating for a moment before crawling onto my lap with his trademark lean. Ethan went out and pet him too. Cary is right -- he's the next best thing to having a cat of our own. I mean, befriending a cat that we feed and care for.

The beautiful day today became a damp evening, one with the smell of newly wet asphalt. I prefer the smell of the fresh strawberries.

I'm really looking forward to next week. It will be so nice to get away, to celebrate with Cary, and to just have some quiet time with him. It will be great to be with Erin in Seattle for her birthday too.

The artichokes are ready! I'm going to get upstairs before Greg, Chris, and Cary finish them!

Here's to another day, more music recording, and old friends.


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